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I am Charles, Silver Chain and Kaiden in the Western Circle of Swordfighters. I have studied eclectic sword arts since 1990. I joined the Circle in 1995. Now with over a decade of the sword in my blood, it is odd to see where my life has lead.
Originally, I was an entertainer. A professional magician and stage actor. When introduced to the sword, it gave me an outlet I did not know I needed. The sword itself, in it's most base form or in it's finest ornate glory cannot escape its soul purpose. To kill. That is what it was created for.
To give a sword to a person who does not know how to wield it gives that person power. To teach a person to use a sword gives that person the ability to wield that power. To be powerless is to be hopeless.

To be shown how to use one's gift of power brings death.
To teach the sword, to learn the sword, brings life.

Learn, Teach.
Charles Jeske, Bonefinder (The Rat)
Silver Chain and Kaiden in the Western Circle of Swordfighters