The Western Circle of Swordfighters:
We are a small group of trained martial artists based primarily out of Northern California. Our main purpose is to provide both a realistic sword art to practice and a means to put it to use. The group was first officially formed in 1996, and at that time was made up of only ten to fifteen members, which would gather four times a year in competition.
The group has since grown considerably and now has several schools teaching the fighting style of the Western Circle. In its earliest form, our purpose was simple; To have a place where swordfighters of many styles and disciplines could gather and spar with one another in full contact competition. Thus providing a means of opportunity for all these trained swordsman to test their skills in open, but structure environment .This is a chance that most schools and groups either frown upon or limit heavily.
The Western Circle also has its own art of swordsmanship, which is made up of 14 individual levels of training. The levels are difficult and well structured. They require discipline and respect, but their true goal is to create a fierce and honorable trained swordfighter. Initially a swordfighter trains and spars with solid wood training swords, or 'bokken'. Once a swordsman reaches level 4 he is given the right to train in live steel combat. And after he completes said training, he is then tested by a council of 3 sword instructors. Upon passing he enters a smaller group of the Western Circle that works with steel as well as wood. These swordfighters will then compete and do choreographed demonstrations for various educational groups throughout California.
Currently there are dojos throughout California, Washington and Nevada.

Expert swordsman to the Western Circle of Swordfighters

Expert swordsman to the Western Circle of Swordfighters