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Core Practiced Moves:

It should be noted first that this section is intended for reference only and is in no way is a substitute for training in person by a Kaiden of the Western Circle. Below are many of the core moves used in the Western Circle. Though moves tend to vary some from dojo to dojo, the core mechanics and overall idea of the move remains the same. Variations to moves are sometimes accepted on case by case basis for what works best for a student in combat. Moves may also vary depending on weapon type. Any descriptions provided are based on the moves as they are performed in the WCoS Headquarters Dojo in Hayward.

1. Jumping Tiger (with pictures)
2. Jumping Tiger II (with pictures)
3. The 'I' Move (with pictures)
4. The Tradition (with pictures)
5. Thorn (with pictures)
6. Akira
7. Double Thrust/ Triple Thrust
8. Illusion
9. Mantis
10. Whispering Wind
11. Casper
12. Lightning
13. The Unnamed Move
14. The Drop
15. Double Chop
16. Musashi
17. Defense Cut
18. The Strike
19. Samurai
20. Crescent Cut
21. The Phantom
22. Dragon's Tail
23. Rising Sun / Setting Sun
24. The Spike
25. Arc
26. The Chopper
27. The Femoral
28. Ubi
29. Sliding Sand
30. Scythe
31. The Second
32. Teacher's move* not confirmed yet
33. Falling Water
34. Shield Cut
35. Double Thrust Cut
36. Illusion 2
37. Kill the Tiger
38. The Nikon
39. High Wrap
40. Gad's Bane
41. Blackbird
42. The Wrap
43. Shadow
44. The Evasion
45. Jaguar