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The chosen weapon of most of the fighting classes within the Western Circle of Swordfighters. To most, it is a tool of death or a symbol of pain. But to us it is a focus point, a balance, and the extreme measure of our hearts and this world. To summarize such a large part of many lives is a difficult thing. Though I fully intend on doing my best, to give a good idea of what the sword means within the circles I've run into.

Throughout the Western Circle of Swordfighters there have been many forms of training and of combat. But within the circuits of honor, and foremost the most shining of the chosen is the sword. For it has spent the most time in their palms. By the eyes of some, the sword is only an obsolete tool used in a forgotten time. And yet to others, it is a toy to be played at and fooled around with. HA! In the heart's eye, on the center of the raging storm, there is upon all that can catch the lightning, a passive art of both beauty and magic. Although in its hardest form it means death, there is both softness and beauty in its softest form. Some say it is a symbol that guides us through our destiny.