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More information can be found in the combat rules section of this website.

Calling Kills

It is the responsibility of the opponent who is receiving the strike to call out the location they were hit (i.e. body, neck, head, etc). It is the responsibility of the opponent delivering the strike to call whether it was a kill or wound. Any discrepancies can be quickly resolved through the decision of the appointed marshal.

3-Strike Rule

Three punches to the face are counted as a kill only when the opponent's head is against a wall or the ground, the punches are solid (pull-back punches) and consecutive. One kick to the head while the person is on the ground is considered a kill. One pommel strike to the face with enough force to break one's nose is considered a kill.

Hand Strikes (L3 and below)

An accidental strike to the hand may or may not be taken as a wound at the discretion of the marshal or sparring participants. You ay wish to educate your students in better accuracy, control and technique if this occurs too often during sparring. An intentional strike to the hand means that the student has over-stepped their level of training and can be disciplined as seen fit by their Kaiden. These rules also apply to thrusting to the face.

Excessive Force

Excessive force is purposely causing injury, or acting in a way that runs high-risk of unnecessary injury. A student that uses excessive force in combat may choose to yield the match or may be disqualified from the match once they have realized or have been made to realize their mistake. Disciplinary measures can be taken at the discretion of a Kaiden. Examples of excessive force: striking to the back of the head, intentionally targeting unarmored areas with full contact strikes, using lack of control with ironwood or other specialty swords that can cause real harm, showing anger or violence during sparring and/or acting out violently even after a match has been called.

Self-Marshaled Sparring

Members may choose to gain additional battles with other students outside of class. It is important that there be at least one student L3 or above attending (exceptions may be made per the request of a Kaiden). All combat rules must be followed during these matches with defined sparring and safe areas communicated to all attending. All spectators must be protected from combat and be respectful.

Fencing, SCA and Other Armored Sparring

Combat matches with other groups ( Fencing, Kendo, SCA, Etc.) can be counted toward your total battles so long as a helmet and gloves were worn. Be sure to use safe weapons. You must wear a helmet, gloves, dalmater, and rank while competing in any group and use WCoS sparring etiquette in order for it to count as WCoS battles. A limit of 200 matches of this type can be logged per 1000 WCoS bokken matches (example 800 WcoS + 100 Fencing + 100 Kendo = 1,000 total matches). L3 ranked swordfighters may fight in other circles with approval of their Kaiden. L4 ranked fighters and above may fight in any circle at their discretion.

Staff Kills

When an opponent fights with a non-bladed staff, kills are specifically a full chop to the head or neck. Strikes with sufficient force to the arm, body, and leg are wounds and the receiver of those strikes must take them immediately. These wounds will never be kills, so they are not required to be called out like normal sword-to-sword combat. Reaction-time to wounds is essential to replicate true combat in this weapon-style.