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Event Hosting Rules:

To manage the event they host by:
1. Being responsible for the safety of all who attend.
2. Providing food and lodging for all who need it.
3. Being responsible for upholding the event rules, combat rules, and WCoS rules.

The event host has the following powers to allow him/her to achieve his/her purpose:
1. The ability to appoint marshals.
2. The ability to appoint members to tasks such as managing weapons, armor, food, etc.
3. The ability to enforce event, combat and WCoS rules at the event through disciplinary action up to and including removal from the event.
4. He/she is considered the highest marshal at any event where the Head Kaiden is not present.

The event host must take the following steps to ensure that he/she achieves his/her purposes:
1. Must make sure all combat is marshaled and all combatants meet WCoS fighting and armor requirements.
2. Must provide food and lodging if necessary to those who need it.
3. Must marshal or assign a marshal to large-scale scenarios. (This marshal must have full knowledge of both teams' positions and strategies and approve them for safety. They are not involved in combat.)

1. Must be a WCoS member in good standing.
2. Must get approval from the Head Kaiden to host.