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The Sword - a symbol of power and leadership, of destruction and death, of truth and justice is deliberate and precise. Throughout the centuries many a hand has wrapped it fingers around the grip of a swords handle. Some for greed and personal gain, others with justice and honor. My fascination with the sword began for as long as I can remember however, my reality of the sword began a few short months ago.

Hi, my name is Carl and some know me by the name Crotach. I live in the wine growing region of Napa, California where I make my living as a computer jack of all trades. I found the Western Circle via the Internet however until you witness or participate in a class you miss the true experience of the Western Circle. Not only will you be touched but your life will be changed for the rest of your days. First you will appreciate the devotion and the love of swordsmanship not only from its founders but thru every member of the group. I joined to learn the way of the sword and to develop my mental and physical abilities, I have received much more. Should you decide to join us you will find friendship and with your efforts respect. You will develop new skills, gain valuable experience and learn an art that will change you forever.

Diligens Et Fidus