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My name is Elijah, sword name Requiem. While I don't have a grand tale of overcoming great adversity I can say that who I am has been refined since my training began. When I started I had recently moved out into my own place. My brothers were in a play with a teacher of the WCoS at the time and, through their connection, discovered the Western Circle.

I scoffed at the idea, with incredulity, that they were indeed training to be swordsmen. However, I was intrigued and decided to see it for myself. The first year of my training, currently I'm into year four as of this writing, I reserved judgement. I liked the idea that I could have this opportunity if nothing else than because it was good exercise, but I doubted it's practicality in the real world. As time progressed I learned more and found myself growing in ways I hadn't expected.

Being a non-confrontational person to begin with it was challenging for me to face opponents in the ring. I didn't want to hurt them and every fiber of my being didn't want to be hurt back. My sense of self-preservation muddled my ability to respond.

Progressing on to the current day I have had many teachers, but no more so than Kaiden Taage and Kaiden Salman. Both of these people have helped transform me from the timid, afraid Trainee I was at the start into the confident, deadly (and bouncy) White Rope I am today.

Truly you do not know someone until you have fought them. I know many within the Circle better than I know people with whom I have been acquainted double the amount of time. I am blessed to have all four of my brothers in the circle as well. I have watched them fall, rise, and fall again only to see them persevere and arise victorious despite the adversity. It is this opportunity, this rare and very unique opportunity, that I wish for all students of the sword.

In conclusion, to those I have faced: thank you for molding me into the man I am today. To those I have not: I hope to meet you on the battlefield so we may know each other as many never have the chance to do so.