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Why train in the sword?
Every person on this Earth has a path, some form of a destiny, and goals to attain along the way. Along my life path I had the great honour to become friends with one of the most giving, fierce, and caring individuals on this planet, and he sword fights. His passion for the sword, for life, and for his friends inspired me to start training in the sword as a means of fulfilling my own life goals. The journey is far from over, and I'm eternally grateful that I begun.

Who am I?
I am a hodgepodge of everything. To name a few things, I surf, dance, climb, fight, hike, shoot, backpack, crochet, and read. Those activities combined with a deeply rooted love of life, sunshine, laughter, and family are a foundation for the incredible adult that I've become.

Why continue?
Unfortunately, I do live far away from my favorite kaidens and dojos, so training is no simple task. To the best of my physical, monetary, and psychological abilities, the sword will always be a part of my life. The reasons for my fierce dedication towards its continuity include: a social network of strong-minded, giving personalities, the ability to further develop my own physical, emotional, and tactical abilities, a uniqueness unparalleled by other martial arts pursuits, and it's just plain fun.

I love the Western Circle, the People in the circle, and what all it represents to me. Thank you for letting me be part of the Western Circle of SwordFighters