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(Robert Schultze Photography:

I have long been interested in the sword and began my training with fencing lessons at the age of fourteen. When I discovered the Western Circle at the age of eighteen, I was drawn as much by its philosophy, honor, and fellowship as by the skill I observed in its members. I knew this was an art that I would continue to practice long into the future. I have been a member of the WCoS for over 20 years, although I have not been training continuously. During that time it has been my privilege to be a teacher, student, opponent, counsel member, and friend to the men and women of great honor and kind spirit who make up this group.

I have adapted my original fencing style to the WCoS and now employ a combination of cutting and thrusting moves in my signature style, rapier and short sword. I am also proficient in two-handed long sword. Outside the WCoS, I have trained in Aikido, Tae Kwon Do, and Kempo Karate.

I am currently training for the rank of Silver Chain and the steel rank of Red Rope. I also hope to begin teaching my own class again soon. I believe that the skill, honor, and courage found in this noble art can reach far beyond the borders of the dojo into our everyday lives. I hope to carry on this tradition in the training I provide.