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I have been swordfighting since the year 2000, but I am no longer an active student. After about 5 years of active training, I changed my focus to empty hand forms, including Muy Thai Kickboxing. It took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to get as far as I did in the Western Circle. In the end it was more than worth it. Fighting, especially unarmored, is my favorite part of this martial art. I usually attend the yearly events and spar a little, but I do not compete. I knew the Western Circle was something I really wanted to do when I was nearly killed in my first few months of training, but continued on without thinking twice.

I find it empowering being one of the few women in this full contact sport. I have been told by a few women that I inspire them, and that is a great feeling. The Western Circle has helped me in many aspects of my life; learning how to focus, the value of completing what you start, and the true meaning of honor.

Some of my other hobbies include riding motorcycles, middle eastern dance, Muy Thai/Western boxing, costuming, fire eating, reading, modeling, traveling, and spending time with my husband.

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.” Friedrich Nietzsche