Rakta Nadi:
I started training in the art of the sword in May of 2017
under the kaidenship of Head Kaiden Gad. I use a one handed broadsword and dagger. I joined to find that discipline
I wanted from martial arts and to learn how to protect the people I care about, I have found that and more. I have
found the training has reshaped my life and motivated me to persue my goals of finishing my degrees in medicine and neuroscience.
"Your mind will serve you better than any trinket under the suns...It is a weapon...and like any weapon, you need practice to be any good at wielding it."-Jay Kristoff
"Your mind will serve you better than any trinket under the suns...It is a weapon...and like any weapon, you need practice to be any good at wielding it."-Jay Kristoff