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New to the Western Circle? Want to know more about sword dancing? Need a reminder about the requirements for your next rank?

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Born and raised in these lands, I am a full blooded Pakistani, reportedly descended from the pre-partition Indian Rajputs - the warrior caste. Perhaps this is why the beauty and grace of the sword is something I have admired and felt drawn to since I was a young girl. Little did I know that this spark of interest would prove to be more than a historical and fantastical interest, and would later lead me into the Western Circle. It was here that students and Kaidens helped turn that spark into a flame, and encouraged me to finally grasp the sword myself.

I have developed a deep appreciation of the respect and discipline that the Circle demands. As a healer by profession, I also pride myself in maintaining the balance and sense between the skills of a respected and deadly martial art, and my calling to heal the sick and injured.

Preferred Weapon - Two-handed Leafblade

Guest Rank: Achieved 30 July 2003

Trainee Rank: Achieved 6 August 2003

Green Braid: Achieved 25 October 2005

White Rope: Achieved 5 September 2009

Red Rope: projected 2010

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some sort of battle." - Unknown