Michael (aka: Viscount Richard de Caville, KSCA):

My martial arts career started when I was nine. Basic karate led
me to other disciplines where the focus ranged from "empty handed
combat" to weapons, until I was in my early twenties. At the age
of eighteen I found “western martial arts” in the form of an organization
called the Society for Creative Anachronism. During my twenty
one year study of western armored combat I was blessed with two
fine instructors, Joe Latta (Earl Seodaidh mac Seosaidh, KSCA,
OL) and Steve Beck (Duke Stephen of Beckham, KSCA, OL) who gave
me the ability and skills to be the swordsman and man I am today.
I eventually, after almost fifteen years of study was elevated
to the rank of Knight, which equates to a Master or black belt
in many disciplines. A focus on weapons, single combats and group
tactics were the focus of study which continues to this very day.
In the mid 1990's I was granted membership in the Company of Saint
George, a tournament company of armored combatants, that studied
historical fighting techniques and applied them in full contact
competitions. A branch of the Company eventually became the now
widely known Schola St. George, founded by Brian Price (aka Earl
Brian Thornbird, KSCA, OL) the proprietor of Chivalry Bookshelf,
and one of the foremost authorities on historic western swordsmanship
and period armor crafting. Under his instruction I became one
of the instructors for the Schola St. George-California. I have
written a book called the Chateau de Camville Manual of the Combative
Arts. A second edition is currently in the works.
I have been teaching western swordsmanship and its application
since 1990 in various classes and programs in the Schola, the
SCA and public forum. I currently have four “full time” martial
students and many “part time” students. Seeing to their development
and growth is one of my primary focuses. Beside the fighting arts
I practice horsemanship, with my two horses Rocky and Lexie, along
medieval calligraphy and illumination under the tutelage of master
artist Hilarie Cornwell of Cornewell Scribeworks.
A Knight wears the following regalia: A white belt to show purity
of intent and spirit, a golden chain to symbolize his fealty to
the Crown and to God and the golen spurs to speed him to acts
of courage, grace and chivalry. Thus is the SCA Knight equipped.
The study of the sword and martial arts in general as been a lifelong
journey for me, where the more I learn the less I realize I know.
By teaching I learn and the cycle continues. It inspires me to
improve myself and seek the potential out in others. In today's
study of the sword I find that the study to gain of Prowess brings
Renown. It is never about how many “wins” I am granted but how
I achieved them. Renown is the greater glory and goal for this

My martial arts career started when I was nine. Basic karate led me to other disciplines where the focus ranged from "empty handed combat" to weapons, until I was in my early twenties. At the age of eighteen I found “western martial arts” in the form of an organization called the Society for Creative Anachronism. During my twenty one year study of western armored combat I was blessed with two fine instructors, Joe Latta (Earl Seodaidh mac Seosaidh, KSCA, OL) and Steve Beck (Duke Stephen of Beckham, KSCA, OL) who gave me the ability and skills to be the swordsman and man I am today. I eventually, after almost fifteen years of study was elevated to the rank of Knight, which equates to a Master or black belt in many disciplines. A focus on weapons, single combats and group tactics were the focus of study which continues to this very day. In the mid 1990's I was granted membership in the Company of Saint George, a tournament company of armored combatants, that studied historical fighting techniques and applied them in full contact competitions. A branch of the Company eventually became the now widely known Schola St. George, founded by Brian Price (aka Earl Brian Thornbird, KSCA, OL) the proprietor of Chivalry Bookshelf, and one of the foremost authorities on historic western swordsmanship and period armor crafting. Under his instruction I became one of the instructors for the Schola St. George-California. I have written a book called the Chateau de Camville Manual of the Combative Arts. A second edition is currently in the works.
I have been teaching western swordsmanship and its application since 1990 in various classes and programs in the Schola, the SCA and public forum. I currently have four “full time” martial students and many “part time” students. Seeing to their development and growth is one of my primary focuses. Beside the fighting arts I practice horsemanship, with my two horses Rocky and Lexie, along medieval calligraphy and illumination under the tutelage of master artist Hilarie Cornwell of Cornewell Scribeworks.
A Knight wears the following regalia: A white belt to show purity of intent and spirit, a golden chain to symbolize his fealty to the Crown and to God and the golen spurs to speed him to acts of courage, grace and chivalry. Thus is the SCA Knight equipped.
The study of the sword and martial arts in general as been a lifelong journey for me, where the more I learn the less I realize I know. By teaching I learn and the cycle continues. It inspires me to improve myself and seek the potential out in others. In today's study of the sword I find that the study to gain of Prowess brings Renown. It is never about how many “wins” I am granted but how I achieved them. Renown is the greater glory and goal for this swordsman.